Welcome t DutchCatVet.com, the website of feline veterinarian Marieke Knies. In the past, cats were mainly used as mousers. Today, they’re a companion animal. Research in the USA has shown that almost 90% of cat owners consider their cat a part of the family. Cats have better food than they used to get and the veterinary care has improved immensely over the years. Therefore, the life expectancy of cats has increased enormously the past 50 years. The average life expectancy of a cat is now 14 years and 25% of cats even lives past 17 years. A cat’s life expectancy depends on many different things like good genes, a relatively safe environment, good food, a little bit of luck and last but not least decent health care. Hopefully, I can contribute somewhat to the latter. Unfortunately, many cats will either visit the vet in a late stage of disease, or will not be brought to the vet at all. It is hard to read cats, also when they’re ill. Furthermore, most cat owners find taking their cat to the vet a stressful event for everybody involved. I have worked very hard to gather extra knowledge and skills in the area of feline medicine. Furthermore, I find it very important to have a cat friendly approach, to reduce stress as much as possible. In this way, I hope to be of as much help as I can to you & your cat,
Kind regards,
Marieke Knies, DVM, feline vet MANZCVS (Feline) EMSAVM (Internal Medicine)